Table of Contents

Section 1. User Manual / OPAC

1.1 Viewing the OPAC module

Figure 137. Viewing the OPAC Module

1.2 Searching the Catalog

See figure 138 below.

Figure 138. Basic Searching the Catalog

Figure 139. Advanced Searching the Catalog

Figure 140. Refining the Search Results

Figure 141. Boolean Search

1.3 Adding/ Editing New Record Manually

To create a new record, type manually the details of the items of the catalog/MARC file. You can add or delete input for the item by clicking the + button or delete button.Then click Save to complete action.

Section 2. Viewing The Record Information

To view the record information, click the View button on the “Action” column. The Basic information has a brief record and full record.

If you click the Full record you will see the Fields and sub-fields of the record.

Section 3. Viewing the Cart

Figure 135. Viewing the Cart

3.1 Deleting Records from the Cart

Figure 136. Deleting a Record