Section 1. User Manual / OPAC

1.1 Viewing the OPAC module

  • To view the OPAC Module, Click on the OPAC menu item on the sidebar of the page. See Figure below.

Figure 137. Viewing the OPAC Module

1.2 Searching the Catalog

  • In searching the catalog you have two ways to filter your search, the Basic Search and the Advanced Search.
  • A Basic search allows you to search on limited material type.

See figure 138 below.

Figure 138. Basic Searching the Catalog

  • An Advanced Search allows you to have additional limit of your search options by language and author.See Figure 139 below.
  • You can add search options by clicking the Plus (+) Button.

Figure 139. Advanced Searching the Catalog

  • You can also refine or customize your search on the left side bar of the page.
  • You can sort the results from A-Z and Z-A of the title and author.
  • You can refine your search results by typing your preferred publication date. See Figure 140 below.

Figure 140. Refining the Search Results

  • Click Boolean Search to complete action. See Figure 141 below.

Figure 141. Boolean Search

1.3 Adding/ Editing New Record Manually

To create a new record, type manually the details of the items of the catalog/MARC file. You can add or delete input for the item by clicking the + button or delete button.Then click Save to complete action.

To view the record information, click the View button on the “Action” column. The Basic information has a brief record and full record.

If you click the Full record you will see the Fields and sub-fields of the record.

  • You can lock the record and also set the record for revision.
  • To view your records and catalogs click the Cart sub- module, then you will see the list of the records. See Figure 135 below.

Figure 135. Viewing the Cart

  • To delete a record from the cart, click the red Delete button, then click Yes to complete action.

Figure 136. Deleting a Record