Site Administration

Once you are logged in, select User on the side menu to manage users. In the Users page is where you can manage by adding, editing, or deleting a user. (See Figure 1 below)

Figure 1: View Users

To add a new user, click Add New button. (See Figure 2 below)

Figure 2: Add New User

Next, fill out the fields with necessary information. After completing this, click Save button on the bottom of the form. (See Figure 3 below)

Figure 3: Creating New User

There are 5 default user roles:

  1. Administrator - Has access to all administrative options and features.
  2. Editor - Can manage and publish posts. Traditionally, editors review posts submitted by contributors and then schedule them for review.
  3. Author - Can publish their own posts when they wish.
  4. Contributor - Can write posts but cannot publish them. Instead, they need to submit their posts for review.
  5. Subscriber - Has basic functionality such as changing their profile and leaving comments.

To set your Site title and logo, click Customize under Appearance in the main menu. (See Figure x below)

Once you are on the Customize page, select Site Identity in the menu on the left part of the page.

Once in Site Identity, you may add/change logo by clicking Select logo. And to change Site Title and Tagline, type your desire site title and tagline on the given text box. After completing this, click Save & Publish button on the top to save the changes on your site. (See Figure below)

Primary Color

To set up primary color for your site, click Customize > Design Options > Primary color option under Appearance in the main menu.

Now, choose the required primary color for your site. This will reflects on links, buttons and many others. After completing this, click Save & Publish button on the top to save the changes on your site.

Background Color

To change background color options, click Customize then Color under Appearance in the main menu.

Now, choose the required background color for your site there. After completing this, click Save & Publish button on the top to save the changes on your site.

Category Color

You can also use different colors for each category. These are all effected in single post, archived and more. To set this up, click Customize then Category Color Options under Appearance in the main menu.

Now, choose the required color as you like for each category present in your site. After completing this, click Save & Publish button on the top to save the changes on your site.

Header Media

To setup Header media, go to Apperance > Customize > Header Media. You can upload your own video or add YouTube video URL which displays on the header. There's also option for uploading header image.

After completing this, click Save & Publish button on the top to save the changes on your site.

Header Options

There are different options related to the header, go to Apperance > Customize > Header Options.

You can choose the required one as to display the logo only or text only or both or none of them.

Header Image Poistion

From this setting, you can place the header image uploaded in your site in any place as required.

Breaking News

The breaking news section, shows your latest 5 posts from your site. Once in Breaking News option, you need to check on the checkbox saying ‘Check to enable the breaking news section‘, and then, click on Save & Publish button to save the changes.

Show Date

This option is to show the current date on your site. You just need to check on the checkbox saying ‘Check to show the date in header‘, and then, click on Save & Publish button to save the changes.

Show Home Icon

This is to show the home icon on the menu. You just need to check on the checkbox saying ‘Check to show the home icon in the primary menu‘, and then, click on Save & Publish button to save the changes.

Show Home Icon